The Senegence or SheerSense opportunity is your chance to create the life that you want by becoming an independent Distributor of SheerSense Cosmestics and Skincare. Start the dream career you have always wanted with full support and training from your team at Hannah's Hustlers and Jalynn's Beauty Force Squad. There are many benefits associated with signing up as a distributor which you can read here and you can also make the business what you want . The UK now has three sign up options, costing different amounts. With all options, you have the rights to sell SeneGence products in the UK and Republic of Ireland, a unique Distributor ID Number plus the Right to Purchase SeneGence products at discounted rates. You will also get support, training and marketing advice, your own website and will earn commissions from downlines. Option 1: £35 - Personally, I wouldn't recommend this package because in terms of value for money, for an additional £50 you get so much more....
I am a UK Independent Distributor of SheerSense. I love making people feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin.